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Quiet Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are some of my favorite mornings.<3

After what seems like forever, I’ve found that “magic” amount of sleep when I feel GREAT the next day, which for me is going to bed AND getting up a little earlier. I don’t love that. I want to stay up on my nights off! I'm still cool & young! But my body loves it. And my brain really is head over heels for it. So I may have to give into it.

One of the perks though besides the added energy? I’ve been the only one up in the morning. Parker may open one eye to make sure he knows it’s me, but promptly returns to his curled-up ball on the couch, snoring. Yes,Sunday mornings here are quiet & serene. The silence only broken by birdsong, a soft melody from my speakers, and the lull of sleeping dogs. So far, we’ve also been lucky to have a relatively cooler summer up here in Buffalo (thank the lawd for that!), which means that the AC has only been on a handful of times. And there’s something about walking downstairs to the coolness of the dewy morning air coming in through the windows, right? It's one of those magic times of the day - John Steinbeck said it best...

But what I love most about these new Sunday mornings is the opportunity to be creative, and to feel the present moment around me. I am often at my happiest when I’m creating. Whether it’s in designing our landscaping, making up yoga routines, or these little stolen moments of writing. It’s like channeling happiness. It's the closest thing to happiness in a bottle.

We often don’t stay long enough in the present moment. We really should be here all the time, but instead, for many of us, it’s brief and fleeting moments that we check into it. Today has craziness in it of gardening and and concerts and planning. And rainstorms to navigate through it all. But right now, I’ve got coffee & quiet. And I’m going to embrace that, at least for a few minutes.

-xo, T

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